Dental implants – surgery

Dental implants – surgery What if a tooth is missing from your mouth? In addition to being unaesthetically pleasing, a gap can cause the surrounding teeth to lean into the gap or cause the teeth in the opposite jaw to erupt where the opposing tooth is missing. Last but not least, using one side of […]

Initial examination

Initial examination The initial examination is the first and very important meeting. A comprehensive examination, including X-rays and photographs, is carried out. On this basis, a treatment plan and a price proposal for the treatment are determined. Initial examinations are now routinely performed under a microscope or magnifying glasses to record even the smallest details […]

Dental Hygiene – periodontology

Dental Hygiene – Periodontology Everything takes place under the guidance of a dental hygienist, a specialist trained and educated in this field. Manual, rotary, ultrasonic and air-flow instruments are used for the actual work, with the help of which clean and beautiful teeth are achieved. Everything happens painlessly and in a calm atmosphere where you […]

Treatment of dental canals – endodontics

Ošetření zubních kanálků – Endodoncie Každý zub má v sobě jakousi dutinu vyplněnou cévami a nervy, které říkáme dřeňová dutina a v kořenech takzvané kořenové kanálky. V některých případech může dojít k odumření zubní dřeně. Nejčastěji se tak děje v důsledku hlubokého zubního kazu, který nebyl včas odhalen a ošetřen. Příčinou odumření zubní dřeně však […]

All-ceramic crowns, facets

All-ceramic crowns, facets A nice smile is not only the calling card of every person, but nowadays it is also socially desirable. Missing teeth, gaps or darkened previous treatments put you somewhere you probably don’t want to be in the eyes of others. So if your teeth are damaged and unsightly, or if previous treatment […]

Treatment of children

Treatment of children Children in our care usually manage the examination and treatment without major difficulties. The basis is our team, who “knows how to work with children”  – they are patient, kind, helpful, but also have a certain amount of authority. Especially in younger children there is a common fear of the unknown, they […]

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening Teeth whitening is a very modern and desirable thing today. No wonder. There is a growing interest in beautiful smiles and white teeth. Today this is no longer a problem! The goal of whitening is to remove organic pigments from the surface of the teeth. This is done by activating the peroxide gel. […]

Treatment of dental caries

Treatment of dental caries There are several causes of tooth pain, read what we encounter in our office. Tooth decay is one of the most common diseases of civilization. Because it is caused by bacteria, we talk about infection of the tooth. Tooth decay (the penetration of bacteria inside the tooth) is caused by several […]

Cooperation with external orthodontists

Cooperation with external orthodontists Orthodontics is one of the few fields where there is no so-called invasive intervention, i.e. irreversible damage to teeth or bone. This makes it an elegant and highly efficient field. Moreover, orthodontic treatment is possible at almost any age. Podkovka Dental Centre cooperates with several experienced external orthodontists such as MUDr. […]